The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) is based on the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man and the fourth Spider-Man film produced by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Entertainment. The score is composed by James Horner. The American composer was known for the integration of choral and electronic elements and his frequent use of motifs associated with Celtic music.
180 gram audiophile vinyl
Gatefold sleeve
PVC protective sleeve
Includes 2 printed innersleeves, insert with credits and exclusive Spider-Man fridge magnet
Score by James Horner (Titanic, Braveheart, Avatar)
Multiple Award nominated 2012 Blockbuster movie
10th Anniversary edition of 2000 individually numbered copies on green & black marbled vinyl
LP1 Side A
1. Main Title – Young Peter
2. Becoming Spider-Man
3. Playing Basketball
4. Hunting For Information
5. The Briefcase
Side B
1. The Spider Room – Rumble In The Subway
2. Secrets
3. The Equation
4. The Ganali Device
5. Ben’s Death
LP2 Side C
1. Metamorphosis
2. Rooftop Kiss
3. The Bridge
4. Peter’s Suspicions
5. Making A Silk Trap
6. Lizard At School!
Side D
1. Saving New York
2. Oscorp Tower
3. “I Can’t See You Anymore”
4. Promises – Spider-Man End Titles
5. Underground Army